I guess some of you have! How nice. It's nice to be loved. I'm not sure what you've missed. My charming wit? Can't be that, I'm not that funny.
Well, I thought I would post. I do have a few things to rattle off and some photos to add.
1) My dog "ate" off her cast. Yes, in the middle of the night, Lucy decided enough was enough. I went to take her out this morning and put on her little paw mitten as we do each day. And when I went to put it on, the cast was missing. "I must have the wrong paw. It's early. Hmm, it's not on the other paw either!" She ate it off. There it lay in my bed.
2) I LOVE Tombo mono glue! Do you own it? I've attached a photo. It is GREAT stuff. You can use it for just about any craft project. I especially like it in place of Mod Podge, which can get quite messy and very hard to attach paper to things other than paper, say metal tins. But the Mono ROCKS. It is cheap. Go buy some. I even adhered part of KT's ski coat back together! (Can I have the $300 I just saved him?)
3) I think I should do a "Make a card Monday" just like KWerner. (Have you seen her site? If not, go here: http://kwernerdesign.com/blog/) But I think I need a video camera. Hmph. Don't have one of those. Liz, add that to the "To Pack" list! We can practice. And then I can be a celebrity on YouTube!
4) Hmph. I'm at a loss for #4. Maybe I should tell you how excited I am to play with my new stamp sets from PaperTrey (www.papertreyink.com) I did NOT stay up for the World Premiere (dude, I'm 35. I haven't seen midnight in a very long time!) but low and beyold they still had them for moi this morning! My little peepers were barely awake, but I think I'm gonna like that branch (see "Out on a Limb") and I think I may do a vale or two with it!
Welp, gotta run. I'm gonna stamp tonight. Any suggestions? Leave me a comment and the first person to do so will get a duplicate of the card I create.
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