Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby Shower Favors

Wow, I took a lot of time off! Work has been just crazy, and Sunday I spent recovering from my bike crash instead of crafting as I had planned. Anyhow, I am hosting my friend, Lisa's, baby shower this weekend. She and her hubby just adopted a little girl from Russia...Katie Grace. (cute little bugger, I tell you!) So, I wanted to give out little favors. I have to give credit where it's due though...I got the idea from Liz's shower, as her friend Liz G. made little magnets that were so cute. I just pretty much stole the idea and changed them around a smidge. So, here they are. If you want to try the idea, LMK and I'll post the directions. They were SUPER easy and only took me about 30 minutes to complete!


mc'crafter said...

You KNOW I need the instructions for these...please leave them in the comments block. They are SO CUTE!!!

Terri said...

Yep, here's what you'll need:

Black Staz-On Ink
Sharpie Markers
2x2 tiles (from Home Depot)
Acrylic Sealer
Gorilla Glue
Magnets (can get at HD also)

Cut the tiles apart with sharp scissors, but be careful not to nick the edges.

Stamp images in black Staz On ink. Then, color images with Sharpies.

Then, you use the acrylic sealer to seal the images.
I used a glossy finish (versus matte finish), just because that's what I already had. Make sure to spray several VERY LIGHT coats (like a fine mist that you just let fall onto the tiles, the Staz On will still run if you get too much sealer on at once). After a few light coats, you can go a LITTLE heavier. I usually do about 4-5 coats of sealer. The sealer isn't really required, but if someone touches the magnet with wet hands, the StazOn ink will run.

I glued mine on with Gorilla glue.

I hope that helps! If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to PM me! These little tiles make a fun gift! I put mine in little organdy bags that I found at Michael's in the bridal section.

mc'crafter said...

OK, I had to post these on my blog too, they were just too cute. But I give you full credit, and link back to your blog in the post, there were just too cute to leave alone. I wish I am going to try and make these for my neighbors baby shower.

Ashley said...
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