Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I think I've gone freaking mad....

Lookie at what I just ordered? Could I have been spending my evening gardening or exercising or reading? Oh no. I have been stalking my favorite website, Splitcoast. I seriously need help. So, I start reading about these markers. Yup, this new brand of markers that everyone is gaga over. Well, do I jump right in and buy them? Nope. Instead, I research the gosh darn things for TWO HOURS! (Told you, I need help. Anyone have a good therapist?) So I end up buying the buggers. Want to see a photo? I swear, they better be made of gold.

I'm hoping my next post will be how much I LOOOOOOOOOOVE my new markers!

(At least it came with a free case)

And from the desk of TKH...

Something NOT crafty, my friends. But, I had to put a link to my friend Megan's website. Megan (crazy girl that she is) is going to Ghana for a year! OMG, could I be more impressed? This is such a cool kid....oh wait, could it be because I was her favorite babysitter? Well, anyhow, here is the web address for her blog.


I will put a link up on my blog as well. Just pop over sometime and check it out. If for no other reason than she has some hilarious jokes on there! Love you Meg!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

OMG, May 19th?

That was a LONG time ago! And this was supposed to be the S.O.T.!!! So, I was checking out Crafty McCrafter the other day, and she has like a gagillion posts. So, I had to do something crafty. I have a few things:

1) I learned how to "digiscrap". Am I good at it? Nope. But, it's a work in progress

2) I learned how to unmount my stamps? As K.T. tells me, that's about as interested as watching paint dry. Isn't he funny. (not!) So, you will get to see the "before" and "aftah" shots of my stamp collection!

3) I made this cute baby card for my friend Andrea who just had a little girl. Note the pink and green...she lives in Grosse Pointe! (And is SO not a GP'er!)

So, that's it for today. It's too damn hot outside to be out there, so I am in here being crafty. I have another fun project, but if I don't get to it, I'll post it tomorrow!